Monday, November 30, 2009
Station 1 Radio Room
Otherwise nothing much has happened in the last few weeks. Our call volume has been relatively slow for the the lasts few weeks compared to the rest of the year. So that is about all that has happened.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
ERV is back at 2
Friday, October 30, 2009
Weekend of 10/23
Monday, October 12, 2009
Busy Weekend
After the fire the part to the Clubhouse Gang and Battle Unit 158 and 155 went to Froedert Hospital to do a fire extinguisher training. After getting back from the training some much needed rest was required to recover from the fire.
Later in the day on Friday some of the Clubhouse got together and did some shopping for items that were needed at the station. This also allowed for some driver training on Engine 163. Once back at the station the engine was cleaned for Safety Day.
Safety Day started for the CFD members at 10:30am to set up. The event started at 12:00 pm and lasted until noon. Other than the unusually cold temperatures it was a good event.
On Sunday some of the Clubhouse and Engine 163 went an event for a family in a bad situation. The engine and firefighters hopefully helped lift their spirits. That concluded the the weekend.
Monday, September 28, 2009
162 & 864 Wet Down
Monday, September 21, 2009
Harvest Fest
Saturday, September 12, 2009
A thing called ERV
AND... ERV was completed.
The Emergency Response Vehicle was conceived out of the jealousy of Thiensvilles Kuboda. Now some may say that's a little harsh but it is true. Once we all saw Thiensvilles rig we wanted our own. So after many years (about 2) of trying to get a Kuboda just as a joke a deputy Chief found a used Cushman first responder vehicle on craigslist and proposed the idea. However, this idea was taken further then a joke and the price was right $1600. So the membership voted to purchase and effectively resurrect this golf cart for no more then $5000. To get the cart running $700 in batteries was purchased. After spending the beginning of June with the antiques and begin run around the Headquarters complex ERV was taken to Station 2. On the 28th of June the tear down of ERV began. Everything was taken off to be repainted or replaced. Remind you this was Strawberry Fest weekend, the same weekend 162 was put together. After a few weeks of sitting and parts being shipped to different locations the work began again. The frame was grounded, converted, and painted. The picture below shows the finished frame. Around this time we decided to pick an arbitrary date for ERV to be finished which was August 25th.

Monday, September 7, 2009
Fire in Northwest
Monday, August 31, 2009
Barn Fire

The CFD was call to Newberg today for a barn fire. Engine 161 and 164 responded.
In other news the ERV is 95% complete. Only a few things have to be put on and it will be done.
August has been a relatively slow month compared to July for the CFD. There has been an increase in calls out of Station 2. The total out of Station 2 for the year is 49 calls.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
In the News
Engine 162- The engine was put into service on the 23rd of July after a majority of the drivers were qualified on it and delivery class was held. The entire process of getting the new truck was completed in about 9 months. The old engine was sold to Denmark, WI and left Cedarburg on the 24th of July.
Cushman- The body was painted and the chassis was prepped for paint. Once everything is painted the assembly should be quick.
Training- A Mass Casualty Incident training was held on the 25th of July at CHS. Multiple departments participated and a lot was learned from it.
Touch-A-Truck- An event was held at Wayne's Drive-in for little kids to see different municiple vehicles and the Clubhouse Gang joined in by bringing Engine 163.
Oh I almost forgot......
We got another structure FIRE.
The call came at 3:00 PM on Monday July 20th. A neighbor reported it since they had smelt something burning and found smoke coming from the house next door. The first crews quickly arrived on scene but were behind from the get go with a strong wind out of the east and a lack of water. Luckly nobody was in the house at the time and a dog was saved. The fire could not have come at a worse time since we were down an engine. Old 162 had already been bought by Denmark and the nobody had pumped the new Engine 162.
The rest of the week should be interesting it is the Ozaukee County Fair this week.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Task Force 119
Time Going Hot: 40 min
On Scene Time: 13 hours
Pumping Time: 7 hours
Gallons of Water Pumped: 400,000-500,000 gallon
Crew Work Time: 4 hours
Another Task Force was scheduled to go back on Wednesday but was called off.
It's not often to be at a fire that gets on the National News.
Task Force 119 on the way.

Monday, July 6, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Strawberry Festival Weekend

This is the passenger side rear compartment.
This is the rear compartment
Driver side Rear
Driver side middle
Engineers Compartment
On Sunday some small work was done on 162. The majority of the work done was on the Cushman. The exterior was taken apart and the shell taken off. It will now be cleaned and repainted before assembly.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
The Clubhouse has been quiet recently since the lack of calls. Other things have been going on otherwise. Engine 163 got a scene light put on the front of the cab. The station will be the hub of activities involving the new Engine 162 and will be a little more filled then usual. The new engine should arrive sometime next week, hopefully Monday.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
No fire calls in two WEEKS!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Fire Alarm
This was the twelveth call run out of the Clubhouse in April.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Brush Fires
In other news the CFD awards banquet was last night and the Brewers season has started. Other than that not to much has changed lately.
Monday, March 30, 2009
A post was needed
In other news some interesting dates are coming up:
Wanye's opens Monday, April 6th
Brewers first game is Tuesday, April 7th
Brewers home opener is Friday, April 10th
Summer is on its way! Maybe
Monday, March 16, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Change of Quarters
Monday, March 9, 2009
Busy Sunday
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Saturday Oooh! Oooh!
Monday, March 2, 2009
CHG Projects
-Hospital Recon
-Rural Supply Recon
-Strip and wax Station 2
-Strip and wax park office
-To be announced
I am sure more will be added to the list.
In other news nothing happened on Sunday expect that a new spot for the badmitton court was found.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
The Beginning of CHGCBL
158 Responds
Busy Saturday

But this was only the beginning of what turned out to be a long project. As it turned out the old PVC piping that was connected to the fan broke off of the pipe going to the other side of the truck. That is what the white tipped pipe on the left hand side is. So it was determined that new pipe had to be installed. That was easier said than done. The pipe that went to the passenger side compartments ended up coming off from its connection and had to be fixed.

Here you can see the fan being remounted and the hero of the day, Rex. He was the one crawling inside the bowels of 164. The truck was quickly put back together because we had ordered pizza and we were hungry.
After we ate our food we began prepping for the new television in the meeting room by tearing out the shelving that to old one was sitting on and by touch up painting the wall. While this happened a radio was found so that the wash bay could have one. That was the day at Station 1.