
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

In the News

A lot of things have gone on since the last post.

Engine 162- The engine was put into service on the 23rd of July after a majority of the drivers were qualified on it and delivery class was held. The entire process of getting the new truck was completed in about 9 months. The old engine was sold to Denmark, WI and left Cedarburg on the 24th of July.

Cushman- The body was painted and the chassis was prepped for paint. Once everything is painted the assembly should be quick.

Training- A Mass Casualty Incident training was held on the 25th of July at CHS. Multiple departments participated and a lot was learned from it.

Touch-A-Truck- An event was held at Wayne's Drive-in for little kids to see different municiple vehicles and the Clubhouse Gang joined in by bringing Engine 163.

Oh I almost forgot......
We got another structure FIRE.
The call came at 3:00 PM on Monday July 20th. A neighbor reported it since they had smelt something burning and found smoke coming from the house next door. The first crews quickly arrived on scene but were behind from the get go with a strong wind out of the east and a lack of water. Luckly nobody was in the house at the time and a dog was saved. The fire could not have come at a worse time since we were down an engine. Old 162 had already been bought by Denmark and the nobody had pumped the new Engine 162.

The rest of the week should be interesting it is the Ozaukee County Fair this week.

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